What we do // history // passions etc
Brighton Bike Tours is a small independent local business which is committed to celebrating Brighton and getting around the city by bike. We were established in 2014 by Carlo Raffa. In 2022 Duncan Blinkhorn & Cicley Lloyd took it on and have been running it ever since with occasional mechanic and stewarding support from Fabian, Ian and Gabriel.
Our Guides
Cicely has a backround as an English language teacher and runs the Brighton Multicultural Women’s Cycle Club (the BMWs). She can speak French & Spanish and has lived in Brighton since 1991.
Duncan has been a cycle and environmental campaigner and organiser in Brighton since the 1990s, having moved here in the early 1980s. As well as tour guiding, he runs the Brighton Bike Hub, a community cycle workshop, and organises Bike Train group rides (as seen in the Guardian).